Revoked Licenses

police car 1500x995Has your Driver’s License been suspended by the North Carolina DMV? Would you like to have your privilege to drive in North Carolina restored, so that you can drive legally, without having to fear being arrested for simply driving a car?

At the Law Office of Daniel Hines Entzminger, we have helped thousands of people deal with their license issues over the last decade. In many cases, we have been able to resolve old matters which have kept deserving individuals from being able to legally drive. While resolving old matters may be expensive, hiring the right lawyer to assist you may actually save you money in the long run when it comes to regaining your driver’s license. In some instances, even if you are “permanently” suspended by the North Carolina DMV, we may still be able to get your license back for you.

In those instances where we are not able to get your license back immediately, we will explore other options which may allow you to drive legally. Options that we have had success with in the past include filing motions to open up old cases that may be preventing you from getting your license, and obtaining a limited driving privilege to allow a qualifying individual to drive to work, school, or to maintain that person’s household. A limited driving privilege can be a great option for those individuals who qualify.

If you have lost your license, and want to be able to drive legally again, please contact the Law Office of Daniel Hines Entzminger and schedule a free consultation. We will sit down with you, review your case thoroughly, and discuss all the options that may be available to you. While we may not be able to solve every licensing issue, our goal is to explore every legal option available to you, and get you driving again soon.


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